She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her. 她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望,但终究没有恩将仇报之意。
She was a dominant figure in the French film industry. 她在法国电影界是个举足轻重的人物。
Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way 其电影产业以它奇特的与世隔绝的方式运作。
For two decades her theatrical talents were ignored by the film industry. 她的舞台表演天赋在电影行业中被埋没了20年。
She made her mark in the film industry in the 1960s. 她在20世纪60年代的电影界占有一席之地。
Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other. 奥尔特曼戳穿了电影产业的虚伪面具以及普遍存在的一些错误认识,揭露了其作为一个产业,跟其他任何一个产业都一样。
The government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry 政府已经公布了帮助英国电影产业的一揽子措施。
The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market. 没有广阔的出口市场,英国电影工业无以为继。
Our film industry is on the rocks. 我们的电影业困难重重。
For years the British film industry merely aped hollywood. 多年来,英国电影业一味模仿好莱坞。
He wants very much to get a job in the film industry, and he takes no notice of me when I tell him it's a lost cause. 他很想在电影行业中找一份工作,我告诉他这是失败的事业,他却没把它放在心上。
Chinese actor Nick Cheung says collaboration with people in the British film industry is an exciting opportunity. 中国演员张家辉说道,和英国电影业合作是个激动人心的机会。
The Annihilator demonstrates China's fast-growing influence in the global film industry thanks to its booming market. 超能侠的投拍反映出中国在全球电影业中的影响力正迅速增强,这主要得益于中国电影市场的蓬勃发展。
Steven Spielberg is on of the top directors in the film industry and also has many fans in China. 斯皮尔伯格是电影界中最优秀的导演之一在中国也有他的许多影迷。
In the beginning, it generalizes the development situation of the3D film industry. 开头,概括了3D电影工业的发展现状。
Hong Kong film industry and recording career. 香港电影事业和唱片事业。
The development of the film for good leu is the development of the film industry to be discussed. 对好莱乌电影的发展是从电影工业的发展来讨论的。
Before he died, he was honored in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry. 在逝世之前,他由于在电影事业方面所作出的贡献而获得了多种荣誉。
Natural water simulation plays an important part in computer game, and film industry. 自然水面模拟在计算机游戏和影视等行业中有重要的应用。
Before she entered into the film industry she was already a familiar face in the ad world. 在她进入电影业之前,她已经是广告界的熟面孔了。
One of the most famous clusters is that of the Hollywood film industry. 最著名的群聚之一是好来乌的电影业。
He has one of the most important jobs in the film industry. 他做的是电影业中最重要的工作之一。
The irony for Hollywood is that the film industry is struggling to construct a viable business model. 对好莱坞来说,具有讽刺意味的地方在于,电影业正为打造一个可行的商业模式而苦苦挣扎。
And maybe we can talk about famous movies and stars as fashion is in close relationship with film industry. 而且或许我们也能谈谈有名的电影和明星们,因为时尚与电影歌曲产业是密不可分的。
Mgm, paramount, and Columbia are all majors in film industry. 米高梅、派拉蒙和哥伦比亚都是电影业的大公司。
In the end, she missed the film industry and returned to Hollywood. 最终,她怀念电影行业,回到了好莱坞。
He quickly became a sought-after, bright, new talent with the Irish television and film industry. 他很快的成为爱尔兰电视与电影工业中人人争相邀请的新星。
We have secured acce to the Mainland market for our film industry under CEPA. 我们透过CEPA为香港电影业打开了内地市场。